What Really Happens in a Theta Healing Session?

  • Jun 28, 2023
What Really Happens in a Theta Healing Session?

Theta Healing has gained popularity as a healing technique that combines spirituality and science to address emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances. During a Theta Healing session, Abeer Ammouri guides the client into a meditative state known as the theta brainwave state, where deep healing and transformation can occur.


The session typically begins with a conversation between Abeer and the client, allowing the client to express their concerns, challenges, or goals. She then facilitates the process of accessing the theta brainwave state through meditation and visualization techniques. This state is characterized by deep relaxation, heightened intuition, and increased receptivity to positive suggestions.


Once the client is in the theta state, Abeer connects with the divine energy, often described as the Universal Energy, to facilitate the healing process. Through this connection, she accesses the client's subconscious mind to identify and release limiting beliefs, traumas, or negative patterns that may be contributing to their challenges.


Using a combination of techniques such as affirmations, energy healing, and intuitive insights, Abeer works with the client to reprogram their subconscious mind with positive and empowering beliefs. This process aims to bring about profound shifts in the client's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, leading to greater well-being and personal growth.


Theta Healing sessions can address a wide range of issues, including physical ailments, emotional trauma, relationship challenges, and spiritual blocks. Each session is unique to the individual, as the practitioner tailors the experience to the specific needs and goals of the client.


In conclusion, a Theta Healing session involves entering a theta brainwave state through meditation and visualization, connecting with divine energy, and reprogramming the subconscious mind to release limiting beliefs and promote healing and transformation. It is a powerful modality that offers individuals an opportunity to explore and address the underlying causes of their challenges, ultimately leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

All my love 

Abeer Ammouri

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