Course Description

"Feminine Affirmation Session:

 Empower Your Inner Goddess"


Are you ready to embrace your true feminine power and transform your inner dialogue?

The Feminine Affirmation session is specifically designed to reprogram your unconscious mind,
replacing old negative thoughts that hinder your self-worth, body image, and overall well-being
with empowering and positive beliefs.

This transformative session contains deep and meaningful affirmations carefully crafted to
address the core issues that may have held you back from embracing your authentic self.
By listening to these affirmations, you will begin to release the negative programming that has
limited your confidence, self-love, and appreciation for your unique beauty.

To maximize the benefits of the Feminine Affirmation session,

We recommend listening to it at least twice a day. Start your day by immersing yourself in these
powerful affirmations upon waking up, setting the tone for a positive and empowered mindset.
Then, before your bedtime, allow the affirmations to permeate your subconscious mind, creating
a fertile ground for transformation and self-acceptance as you sleep.

Please note: The Feminine Affirmation session is a digital product available for online purchase
and access.

How the Feminine Affirmation session is Effective?

It Reprograms your unconscious mind with deep and powerful sentences, replacing negative
thoughts that hinder self-worth and body image with empowering beliefs.

This session works to replace old negative programming with new positive thoughts aligned with
your dreams and aspirations.

You can maximize results by listening to the session at least twice a day once in the morning
to set a positive tone for the day, and once before bedtime to reinforce positive beliefs as you

Embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and self-empowerment at
your convenience.

Course Videos



Abeer Amori
Abeer Amori
Bio Energy & Self Development

My Passion is help you to reach the heights level of happiness and awareness, and support you to be the best virgin of your self. so you will be proud of your self in front of GOD and your self.



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